Social Security Representative Payee Program
Community Interface Services offers Social Security approved Representative Payee services to Regional Center clients at no cost to the client.
Who We Are:
A known & trusted local service provider with a reputation for excellence and:
- Over 30 years experience providing community living, employment and financial management services to San Diego Regional Center (SDRC) clients
- Proficient in SSA/SSI/MediCal regulations
- Person centered, responsive customer service
- Bilingual English/Spanish services (other languages may be available upon request)
How We Help:
Assist clients with handling their Social Security funds by developing a budget, establishing a schedule for paying regular expenses/making plans for unexpected or one time purchases, and monitoring savings/resources so as to maintain ongoing benefit eligibility. In addition, we:
- Ensure individual funds are used for the benefit of, and in the best interest of, the client
- Assist with navigating complex and critical processes with SSA
- Provide diligent fiscal monitoring and transparent reporting
- Help protect client from financial exploitation
- Work collaboratively with clients, service coordinators, and other service providers to meet individual client needs
- Help clients maintain stable and integrated lives
- Relieve family members and SDRC service coordinators from cumbersome payee responsibilities