Supported Living Services
Supported Living Services provides one-on-one support for up to 24 hours a day for people with greater needs.
Typically, this service allows a person to enjoy the dignity and pride of living in his/her own home (rather than licensed facilities), while also providing the support needed to remain healthy and safe. Usually support is provided through a paid roommate, but it may take other forms, such as home health care assistance, a team of rotating staff covering shifts, or an on call paid support person available 24 hours a day.
People receiving Supported Living Services work on objectives of their choosing which usually include assistance with daily tasks such as personal care, meal preparation, household management, safety, shopping, and accessing community resources.
Supported Living Services are funded by San Diego Regional Center. In addition, some individuals may qualify to receive In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) through the county which provides funding for personal care assistance.
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What people are saying...
“I am incredibly impressed with the services and eternally grateful for the support our daughter is given.”
“For more than two years, our son has received quality, caring, and expert support.”