DDPN San Diego - April 1st


Developmental Disabilities Provider Network’s 7th Annual Legislative Community Forum

Meet elected officials to discuss changes and impact on services to people with developmental disabilities.

San Diego County residents and families affected by developmental disabilities are encouraged to join the Developmental Disabilities Provider Network (DDPN) for its 7th Annual Legislative Community Forum on Friday, April 1st from 9:30am to 11:30am at the Balboa Park Club, 2144 Pan America Road West, San Diego. With the governor and legislature proposing drastic cuts in the state budget to people with disabilities, the DDPN Legislative Community Forum will provide guests with an opportunity to meet with elected officials and/or their staff to discuss the changes and impacts on services for people with developmental disabilities. Tickets are $10 each and include refreshments. This year's Honorary Chair is Sheriff William Gore and emcee is Carol LeBeau. For more information or to purchase tickets please visit www.tmi-inc.org , (760) 737-3990 ext. 85 or email andreat@tmi-inc.org.